/** * Authors: * Mike Bierlee, m.bierlee@lostmoment.com * Copyright: 2022-2025 Mike Bierlee * License: * This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. * The full terms of the license can be found in the LICENSE file. */ import mirage.java : parseJavaProperties, loadJavaProperties; import std.stdio : writeln; import std.conv : to; void main() { auto config = loadJavaProperties("application.properties"); auto serverConfig = config.getConfig("server"); auto databaseConfig = parseJavaProperties(" host=localhost port=5432 "); auto applicationName = config.get("application.name"); auto httpHost = serverConfig.get("host"); auto httpPort = serverConfig.get!uint("port"); auto httpProtocol = serverConfig.get("protocol"); auto dbHost = databaseConfig.get("host"); auto dbPort = databaseConfig.get!uint("port"); writeln("Starting " ~ applicationName ~ "..."); writeln("Connecting to database at " ~ dbHost ~ ":" ~ dbPort.to!string ~ "..."); writeln( "HTTP server now listening at " ~ httpProtocol ~ "://" ~ httpHost ~ ":" ~ httpPort .to!string); }