/** * Utilities for loading JSON configurations. * * Authors: * Mike Bierlee, m.bierlee@lostmoment.com * Copyright: 2022-2025 Mike Bierlee * License: * This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. * The full terms of the license can be found in the LICENSE file. */ module mirage.json; import std.json : JSONValue, JSONType, parseJSON; import std.conv : to; import mirage.config : ConfigFactory, ConfigDictionary, ConfigNode, ValueNode, ObjectNode, ArrayNode, ConfigCreationException; /** * Creates configuration dictionaries from JSONs. */ class JsonConfigFactory : ConfigFactory { /** * Parse configuration from the given JSON string. * * Params: * contents = Text contents of the config to be parsed. * Returns: The parsed configuration. */ override ConfigDictionary parseConfig(string contents) { return parseJson(parseJSON(contents)); } /** * Parse configuration from a JSONValue tree. * * Params: * json = JSONValue config to be parsed. * Returns: The parsed configuration. */ ConfigDictionary parseJson(JSONValue json) { return new ConfigDictionary(convertJValue(json)); } /** * Alias for parseConfig * * Params: * json = Text contents of the config to be parsed. * Returns: The parsed configuration. * See_Also: parseConfig */ ConfigDictionary parseJson(string json) { return parseConfig(json); } private ConfigNode convertJValue(JSONValue json) { if (json.type() == JSONType.object) { auto objectNode = new ObjectNode(); auto objectJson = json.object(); foreach (propertyName, jvalue; objectJson) { objectNode.children[propertyName] = convertJValue(jvalue); } return objectNode; } if (json.type() == JSONType.array) { auto arrayNode = new ArrayNode(); auto arrayJson = json.array(); foreach (jvalue; arrayJson) { arrayNode.children ~= convertJValue(jvalue); } return arrayNode; } if (json.type() == JSONType.null_) { return new ValueNode(null); } if (json.type() == JSONType.string) { return new ValueNode(json.get!string); } if (json.type() == JSONType.integer) { return new ValueNode(json.integer.to!string); } if (json.type() == JSONType.float_) { return new ValueNode(json.floating.to!string); } throw new ConfigCreationException("JSONValue is not supported: " ~ json.toString()); } } /** * Parse JSON config from the given JSON string. * * Params: * json = Text contents of the config to be parsed. * Returns: The parsed configuration. */ ConfigDictionary parseJsonConfig(const string json) { return new JsonConfigFactory().parseConfig(json); } /** * Parse JSON config from the given JSONValue. * * Params: * json = JSONValue config to be parsed. * Returns: The parsed configuration. */ ConfigDictionary parseJsonConfig(const JSONValue json) { return new JsonConfigFactory().parseJson(json); } /** * Load a JSON configuration file from disk. * * Params: * filePath = Path to the JSON configuration file. * Returns: The loaded configuration. */ ConfigDictionary loadJsonConfig(const string filePath) { return new JsonConfigFactory().loadFile(filePath); } version (unittest) { import std.process : environment; @("Parse JSON") unittest { JSONValue serverJson = ["hostname": "hosty.com", "port": "1234"]; JSONValue nullJson = ["isNull": null]; JSONValue socketsJson = [ "/var/sock/one", "/var/sock/two", "/var/sock/three" ]; JSONValue numbersJson = [1, 2, 3, 4, -7]; JSONValue decimalsJson = [1.2, 4.5, 6.7]; JSONValue jsonConfig = [ "server": serverJson, "sockets": socketsJson, "nully": nullJson, "numberos": numbersJson, "decimalas": decimalsJson ]; auto config = parseJsonConfig(jsonConfig); assert(config.get("server.hostname") == "hosty.com"); assert(config.get("server.port") == "1234"); assert(config.get("sockets[2]") == "/var/sock/three"); assert(config.get("nully.isNull") == null); assert(config.get("numberos[3]") == "4"); assert(config.get("numberos[4]") == "-7"); assert(config.get("decimalas[0]") == "1.2"); assert(config.get("decimalas[2]") == "6.7"); } @("Parse JSON root values") unittest { assert(parseJsonConfig(JSONValue("hi")).get(".") == "hi"); assert(parseJsonConfig(JSONValue(1)).get(".") == "1"); assert(parseJsonConfig(JSONValue(null)).get(".") == null); assert(parseJsonConfig(JSONValue(1.8)).get(".") == "1.8"); assert(parseJsonConfig(JSONValue([1, 2, 3])).get("[2]") == "3"); } @("Parse JSON string") unittest { string json = " { \"name\": \"Groot\", \"traits\": [\"groot\", \"tree\"], \"age\": 8728, \"taxNumber\": null } "; auto config = parseJsonConfig(json); assert(config.get("name") == "Groot"); assert(config.get("traits[1]") == "tree"); assert(config.get("age") == "8728"); assert(config.get("taxNumber") == null); } @("Load JSON file") unittest { auto config = loadJsonConfig("testfiles/groot.json"); assert(config.get("name") == "Groot"); assert(config.get("traits[1]") == "tree"); assert(config.get("age") == "8728"); assert(config.get("taxNumber") == null); } @("Substitute env vars") unittest { environment["MIRAGE_TEST_APP_NAME"] = "Unittest"; environment["MIRAGE_TEST_HOSTNAME"] = "wonkeyhost"; environment.remove("MIRAGE_TEST_PORT"); auto config = loadJsonConfig("testfiles/server.json"); assert(config.get("server.host") == "wonkeyhost"); assert(config.get("server.port") == "8118"); assert(config.get("app") == "Unittest server - built with love"); } @("Use value from other key") unittest { string json = " { \"one\": \"Groot\", \"two\": \"${one}\", } "; auto config = parseJsonConfig(json); assert(config.get("two") == "Groot"); } }