mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 10:02:42 +01:00
Synchronize DependencyContainer
The implication is that dependency containers are now always shared data. In the sense of application context, this is acceptable.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 548 additions and 548 deletions
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ private void printDebugAutowiredInstance(TypeInfo instanceType, void* instanceAd
* See_Also: Autowire
public void autowire(Type)(DependencyContainer container, Type instance) {
public void autowire(Type)(shared(DependencyContainer) container, Type instance) {
debug(poodinisVerbose) {
printDebugAutowiredInstance(typeid(Type), &instance);
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ private void printDebugAutowiringCandidate(TypeInfo candidateInstanceType, void*
writeln(format("DEBUG: Autowired instance [%s@%s] to [%s@%s].%s", candidateInstanceType, candidateInstanceAddress, instanceType, instanceAddress, member));
private void autowireMember(string member, Type)(DependencyContainer container, Type instance) {
private void autowireMember(string member, Type)(shared(DependencyContainer) container, Type instance) {
static if(__traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, instance, member)) && __traits(compiles, __traits(getAttributes, __traits(getMember, instance, member)))) {
foreach(autowireAttribute; __traits(getAttributes, __traits(getMember, instance, member))) {
static if (__traits(isSame, autowireAttribute, Autowire) || is(autowireAttribute == Autowire!T, T)) {
@ -138,9 +138,9 @@ public void globalAutowire(Type)(Type instance) {
class AutowiredRegistration(RegistrationType : Object) : Registration {
private DependencyContainer container;
private shared(DependencyContainer) container;
public this(TypeInfo registeredType, DependencyContainer container) {
public this(TypeInfo registeredType, shared(DependencyContainer) container) {
enforce(!(container is null), "Argument 'container' is null. Autowired registrations need to autowire using a container.");
this.container = container;
super(registeredType, typeid(RegistrationType));
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class ResolveException : Exception {
* In most cases you want to use a global singleton dependency container provided by getInstance() to manage all dependencies.
* You can still create new instances of this class for exceptional situations.
class DependencyContainer {
synchronized class DependencyContainer {
private Registration[][TypeInfo] registrations;
private Registration[] autowireStack;
@ -111,16 +111,16 @@ class DependencyContainer {
return existingRegistration;
AutowiredRegistration!ConcreteType newRegistration = new AutowiredRegistration!ConcreteType(registeredType, this);
auto newRegistration = new AutowiredRegistration!ConcreteType(registeredType, this);
registrations[registeredType] ~= newRegistration;
registrations[registeredType] ~= cast(shared(Registration)) newRegistration;
return newRegistration;
private Registration getExistingRegistration(TypeInfo registrationType, TypeInfo qualifierType) {
auto existingCandidates = registrationType in registrations;
if (existingCandidates) {
return getRegistration(*existingCandidates, qualifierType);
return getRegistration(cast(Registration[]) *existingCandidates, qualifierType);
return null;
@ -218,13 +218,13 @@ class DependencyContainer {
throw new ResolveException("Type not registered.", resolveType);
Registration registration = getQualifiedRegistration(resolveType, qualifierType, *candidates);
Registration registration = getQualifiedRegistration(resolveType, qualifierType, cast(Registration[]) *candidates);
QualifierType instance;
if (!autowireStack.canFind(registration)) {
autowireStack ~= registration;
if (!(cast(Registration[]) autowireStack).canFind(registration)) {
autowireStack ~= cast(shared(Registration)) registration;
instance = cast(QualifierType) registration.getInstance(new AutowireInstantiationContext());
autowireStack = autowireStack[0 .. $-1];
} else {
auto autowireContext = new AutowireInstantiationContext();
autowireContext.autowireInstance = false;
@ -1,164 +1,164 @@
* Poodinis Dependency Injection Framework
* Copyright 2014-2015 Mike Bierlee
* This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
* The full terms of the license can be found in the LICENSE file.
import poodinis.autowire;
import std.exception;
version(unittest) {
class ComponentA {}
class ComponentB {
public @Autowire ComponentA componentA;
public bool componentIsNull() {
return componentA is null;
interface InterfaceA {}
class ComponentC : InterfaceA {}
class ComponentD {
public @Autowire InterfaceA componentC = null;
public bool componentIsNull() {
return componentC is null;
class DummyAttribute{};
class ComponentE {
public ComponentC componentC;
class ComponentDeclarationCocktail {
alias noomer = int;
public ComponentA componentA;
public void doesNothing() {
class ComponentX : InterfaceA {}
class MonkeyShine {
public InterfaceA component;
class BootstrapBootstrap {
public InterfaceA componentX;
public InterfaceA componentC;
// Test autowiring concrete type to existing instance
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentB = new ComponentB();
assert(!componentB.componentIsNull(), "Autowirable dependency failed to autowire");
// Test autowiring interface type to existing instance
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
auto componentD = new ComponentD();
assert(!componentD.componentIsNull(), "Autowirable dependency failed to autowire");
// Test autowiring will only happen once
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC).newInstance();
auto componentD = new ComponentD();
auto expectedComponent = componentD.componentC;
auto actualComponent = componentD.componentC;
assert(expectedComponent is actualComponent, "Autowiring the second time wired a different instance");
// Test autowiring unregistered type
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentD = new ComponentD();
assertThrown!(ResolveException)(container.autowire!(ComponentD)(componentD), "Autowiring unregistered type should throw ResolveException");
// Test autowiring member with non-autowire attribute does not autowire
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentE = new ComponentE();
assert(componentE.componentC is null, "Autowiring should not occur for members with attributes other than @Autowire");
// Test autowire class with alias declaration
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentDeclarationCocktail = new ComponentDeclarationCocktail();
assert(componentDeclarationCocktail.componentA !is null, "Autowiring class with non-assignable declarations failed");
// Test autowire class with qualifier
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto componentX = container.resolve!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto monkeyShine = new MonkeyShine();
assert(monkeyShine.component is componentX, "Autowiring class with qualifier failed");
// Test autowire class with multiple qualifiers
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto componentC = container.resolve!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
auto componentX = container.resolve!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto bootstrapBootstrap = new BootstrapBootstrap();
assert(bootstrapBootstrap.componentX is componentX, "Autowiring class with multiple qualifiers failed");
assert(bootstrapBootstrap.componentC is componentC, "Autowiring class with multiple qualifiers failed");
// Test getting instance from autowired registration will autowire instance
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto registration = new AutowiredRegistration!ComponentB(typeid(ComponentB), container).singleInstance();
auto instance = cast(ComponentB) registration.getInstance(new AutowireInstantiationContext());
* Poodinis Dependency Injection Framework
* Copyright 2014-2015 Mike Bierlee
* This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
* The full terms of the license can be found in the LICENSE file.
import poodinis.autowire;
import std.exception;
version(unittest) {
class ComponentA {}
class ComponentB {
public @Autowire ComponentA componentA;
public bool componentIsNull() {
return componentA is null;
interface InterfaceA {}
class ComponentC : InterfaceA {}
class ComponentD {
public @Autowire InterfaceA componentC = null;
public bool componentIsNull() {
return componentC is null;
class DummyAttribute{};
class ComponentE {
public ComponentC componentC;
class ComponentDeclarationCocktail {
alias noomer = int;
public ComponentA componentA;
public void doesNothing() {
class ComponentX : InterfaceA {}
class MonkeyShine {
public InterfaceA component;
class BootstrapBootstrap {
public InterfaceA componentX;
public InterfaceA componentC;
// Test autowiring concrete type to existing instance
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentB = new ComponentB();
assert(!componentB.componentIsNull(), "Autowirable dependency failed to autowire");
// Test autowiring interface type to existing instance
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
auto componentD = new ComponentD();
assert(!componentD.componentIsNull(), "Autowirable dependency failed to autowire");
// Test autowiring will only happen once
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC).newInstance();
auto componentD = new ComponentD();
auto expectedComponent = componentD.componentC;
auto actualComponent = componentD.componentC;
assert(expectedComponent is actualComponent, "Autowiring the second time wired a different instance");
// Test autowiring unregistered type
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentD = new ComponentD();
assertThrown!(ResolveException)(container.autowire!(ComponentD)(componentD), "Autowiring unregistered type should throw ResolveException");
// Test autowiring member with non-autowire attribute does not autowire
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentE = new ComponentE();
assert(componentE.componentC is null, "Autowiring should not occur for members with attributes other than @Autowire");
// Test autowire class with alias declaration
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentDeclarationCocktail = new ComponentDeclarationCocktail();
assert(componentDeclarationCocktail.componentA !is null, "Autowiring class with non-assignable declarations failed");
// Test autowire class with qualifier
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto componentX = container.resolve!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto monkeyShine = new MonkeyShine();
assert(monkeyShine.component is componentX, "Autowiring class with qualifier failed");
// Test autowire class with multiple qualifiers
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto componentC = container.resolve!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
auto componentX = container.resolve!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto bootstrapBootstrap = new BootstrapBootstrap();
assert(bootstrapBootstrap.componentX is componentX, "Autowiring class with multiple qualifiers failed");
assert(bootstrapBootstrap.componentC is componentC, "Autowiring class with multiple qualifiers failed");
// Test getting instance from autowired registration will autowire instance
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto registration = new AutowiredRegistration!ComponentB(typeid(ComponentB), container).singleInstance();
auto instance = cast(ComponentB) registration.getInstance(new AutowireInstantiationContext());
@ -1,372 +1,372 @@
* Poodinis Dependency Injection Framework
* Copyright 2014-2015 Mike Bierlee
* This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
* The full terms of the license can be found in the LICENSE file.
import poodinis.container;
import std.exception;
version(unittest) {
interface TestInterface {
class TestClass : TestInterface {
class UnrelatedClass{
class FailOnCreationClass {
this() {
throw new Exception("This class should not be instantiated");
class AutowiredClass {
class ComponentClass {
public AutowiredClass autowiredClass;
class ComponentCat {
public ComponentMouse mouse;
class ComponentMouse {
public ComponentCat cat;
class Eenie {
public Meenie meenie;
class Meenie {
public Moe moe;
class Moe {
public Eenie eenie;
class Ittie {
public Bittie bittie;
class Bittie {
public Banana banana;
class Banana {
public Bittie bittie;
interface SuperInterface {
class SuperImplementation : SuperInterface {
public Banana banana;
interface Color {
class Blue : Color {
class Red : Color {
class Spiders {
public TestInterface testMember;
class Recursive {
public Recursive recursive;
// Test register concrete type
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto registration = container.register!(TestClass)();
assert(registration.registeredType == typeid(TestClass), "Type of registered type not the same");
// Test resolve registered type
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
TestClass actualInstance = container.resolve!(TestClass)();
assert(actualInstance !is null, "Resolved type is null");
assert(cast(TestClass) actualInstance, "Resolved class is not the same type as expected");
// Test register interface
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(TestInterface, TestClass)();
TestInterface actualInstance = container.resolve!(TestInterface)();
assert(actualInstance !is null, "Resolved type is null");
assert(cast(TestInterface) actualInstance, "Resolved class is not the same type as expected");
// Test resolve non-registered type
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
assertThrown!ResolveException(container.resolve!(TestClass)(), "Resolving non-registered type does not fail");
// Test clear registrations
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
assertThrown!ResolveException(container.resolve!(TestClass)(), "Resolving cleared type does not fail");
// Test get singleton of container
unittest {
auto instance1 = DependencyContainer.getInstance();
auto instance2 = DependencyContainer.getInstance();
assert(instance1 is instance2, "getInstance does not return the same instance");
// Test resolve single instance for type
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto instance1 = container.resolve!(TestClass);
auto instance2 = container.resolve!(TestClass);
assert(instance1 is instance2, "Resolved instance from single instance scope is not the each time it is resolved");
// Test resolve new instance for type
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto instance1 = container.resolve!(TestClass);
auto instance2 = container.resolve!(TestClass);
assert(instance1 !is instance2, "Resolved instance from new instance scope is the same each time it is resolved");
// Test resolve existing instance for type
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto expectedInstance = new TestClass();
auto actualInstance = container.resolve!(TestClass);
assert(expectedInstance is actualInstance, "Resolved instance from existing instance scope is not the same as the registered instance");
// Test autowire resolved instances
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentInstance = container.resolve!ComponentClass;
auto autowiredInstance = container.resolve!AutowiredClass;
assert(componentInstance.autowiredClass is autowiredInstance, "Member is not autowired upon resolving");
// Test circular autowiring
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto mouse = container.resolve!ComponentMouse;
auto cat = container.resolve!ComponentCat;
assert(mouse.cat is cat && cat.mouse is mouse && mouse !is cat, "Circular dependencies should be autowirable");
// Test remove registration
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
// Test autowiring does not autowire member where instance is non-null
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto existingA = new AutowiredClass();
auto existingB = new ComponentClass();
existingB.autowiredClass = existingA;
auto resolvedA = container.resolve!AutowiredClass;
auto resolvedB = container.resolve!ComponentClass;
assert(resolvedB.autowiredClass is existingA && resolvedA !is existingA, "Autowiring shouldn't rewire member when it is already wired to an instance");
// Test autowiring circular dependency by third-degree
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto eenie = container.resolve!Eenie;
assert(eenie.meenie.moe.eenie is eenie, "Autowiring third-degree circular dependency failed");
// Test autowiring deep circular dependencies
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto ittie = container.resolve!Ittie;
assert(ittie.bittie is ittie.bittie.banana.bittie, "Autowiring deep dependencies failed.");
// Test autowiring deep circular dependencies with newInstance scope does not autowire new instance second time
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto ittie = container.resolve!Ittie;
assert(ittie.bittie.banana.bittie.banana is null, "Autowiring deep dependencies with newInstance scope autowired a reoccuring type.");
// Test autowiring type registered by interface
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(SuperInterface, SuperImplementation);
SuperImplementation superInstance = cast(SuperImplementation) container.resolve!SuperInterface;
assert(!(superInstance.banana is null), "Instance which was resolved by interface type was not autowired.");
// Test reusing a container after clearing all registrations
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
try {
} catch (ResolveException e) {
// Test register multiple concrete classess to same interface type
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(Color, Blue);
container.register!(Color, Red);
// Test removing all registrations for type with multiple registrations.
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(Color, Blue);
container.register!(Color, Red);
// Test registering same registration again
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto firstRegistration = container.register!(Color, Blue);
auto secondRegistration = container.register!(Color, Blue);
assert(firstRegistration is secondRegistration, "First registration is not the same as the second of equal types");
// Test resolve registration with multiple qualifiers
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(Color, Blue);
container.register!(Color, Red);
try {
} catch (ResolveException e) {
// Test resolve registration with multiple qualifiers using a qualifier
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(Color, Blue);
container.register!(Color, Red);
auto blueInstance = container.resolve!(Color, Blue);
auto redInstance = container.resolve!(Color, Red);
assert(blueInstance !is redInstance, "Resolving type with multiple, different registrations yielded the same instance");
assert(blueInstance !is null, "Resolved blue instance to null");
assert(redInstance !is null, "Resolved red instance to null");
// Test autowire of unqualified member typed by interface.
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(TestInterface, TestClass);
auto instance = container.resolve!Spiders;
assert(!(instance is null), "Container failed to autowire member by interface");
// Register existing registration
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto firstRegistration = container.register!TestClass;
auto secondRegistration = container.register!TestClass;
assert(firstRegistration is secondRegistration, "Registering the same registration twice registers the dependencies twice.");
// Register existing registration by supertype
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto firstRegistration = container.register!(TestInterface, TestClass);
auto secondRegistration = container.register!(TestInterface, TestClass);
assert(firstRegistration is secondRegistration, "Registering the same registration by super type twice registers the dependencies twice.");
// Resolve dependency depending on itself
unittest {
auto container = new DependencyContainer();
auto instance = container.resolve!Recursive;
assert(instance.recursive is instance, "Resolving dependency that depends on itself fails.");
assert(instance.recursive.recursive is instance, "Resolving dependency that depends on itself fails.");
* Poodinis Dependency Injection Framework
* Copyright 2014-2015 Mike Bierlee
* This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
* The full terms of the license can be found in the LICENSE file.
import poodinis.container;
import std.exception;
version(unittest) {
interface TestInterface {
class TestClass : TestInterface {
class UnrelatedClass{
class FailOnCreationClass {
this() {
throw new Exception("This class should not be instantiated");
class AutowiredClass {
class ComponentClass {
public AutowiredClass autowiredClass;
class ComponentCat {
public ComponentMouse mouse;
class ComponentMouse {
public ComponentCat cat;
class Eenie {
public Meenie meenie;
class Meenie {
public Moe moe;
class Moe {
public Eenie eenie;
class Ittie {
public Bittie bittie;
class Bittie {
public Banana banana;
class Banana {
public Bittie bittie;
interface SuperInterface {
class SuperImplementation : SuperInterface {
public Banana banana;
interface Color {
class Blue : Color {
class Red : Color {
class Spiders {
public TestInterface testMember;
class Recursive {
public Recursive recursive;
// Test register concrete type
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto registration = container.register!(TestClass)();
assert(registration.registeredType == typeid(TestClass), "Type of registered type not the same");
// Test resolve registered type
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
TestClass actualInstance = container.resolve!(TestClass)();
assert(actualInstance !is null, "Resolved type is null");
assert(cast(TestClass) actualInstance, "Resolved class is not the same type as expected");
// Test register interface
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(TestInterface, TestClass)();
TestInterface actualInstance = container.resolve!(TestInterface)();
assert(actualInstance !is null, "Resolved type is null");
assert(cast(TestInterface) actualInstance, "Resolved class is not the same type as expected");
// Test resolve non-registered type
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
assertThrown!ResolveException(container.resolve!(TestClass)(), "Resolving non-registered type does not fail");
// Test clear registrations
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
assertThrown!ResolveException(container.resolve!(TestClass)(), "Resolving cleared type does not fail");
// Test get singleton of container
unittest {
auto instance1 = DependencyContainer.getInstance();
auto instance2 = DependencyContainer.getInstance();
assert(instance1 is instance2, "getInstance does not return the same instance");
// Test resolve single instance for type
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto instance1 = container.resolve!(TestClass);
auto instance2 = container.resolve!(TestClass);
assert(instance1 is instance2, "Resolved instance from single instance scope is not the each time it is resolved");
// Test resolve new instance for type
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto instance1 = container.resolve!(TestClass);
auto instance2 = container.resolve!(TestClass);
assert(instance1 !is instance2, "Resolved instance from new instance scope is the same each time it is resolved");
// Test resolve existing instance for type
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto expectedInstance = new TestClass();
auto actualInstance = container.resolve!(TestClass);
assert(expectedInstance is actualInstance, "Resolved instance from existing instance scope is not the same as the registered instance");
// Test autowire resolved instances
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentInstance = container.resolve!ComponentClass;
auto autowiredInstance = container.resolve!AutowiredClass;
assert(componentInstance.autowiredClass is autowiredInstance, "Member is not autowired upon resolving");
// Test circular autowiring
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto mouse = container.resolve!ComponentMouse;
auto cat = container.resolve!ComponentCat;
assert(mouse.cat is cat && cat.mouse is mouse && mouse !is cat, "Circular dependencies should be autowirable");
// Test remove registration
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
// Test autowiring does not autowire member where instance is non-null
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto existingA = new AutowiredClass();
auto existingB = new ComponentClass();
existingB.autowiredClass = existingA;
auto resolvedA = container.resolve!AutowiredClass;
auto resolvedB = container.resolve!ComponentClass;
assert(resolvedB.autowiredClass is existingA && resolvedA !is existingA, "Autowiring shouldn't rewire member when it is already wired to an instance");
// Test autowiring circular dependency by third-degree
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto eenie = container.resolve!Eenie;
assert(eenie.meenie.moe.eenie is eenie, "Autowiring third-degree circular dependency failed");
// Test autowiring deep circular dependencies
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto ittie = container.resolve!Ittie;
assert(ittie.bittie is ittie.bittie.banana.bittie, "Autowiring deep dependencies failed.");
// Test autowiring deep circular dependencies with newInstance scope does not autowire new instance second time
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto ittie = container.resolve!Ittie;
assert(ittie.bittie.banana.bittie.banana is null, "Autowiring deep dependencies with newInstance scope autowired a reoccuring type.");
// Test autowiring type registered by interface
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(SuperInterface, SuperImplementation);
SuperImplementation superInstance = cast(SuperImplementation) container.resolve!SuperInterface;
assert(!(superInstance.banana is null), "Instance which was resolved by interface type was not autowired.");
// Test reusing a container after clearing all registrations
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
try {
} catch (ResolveException e) {
// Test register multiple concrete classess to same interface type
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(Color, Blue);
container.register!(Color, Red);
// Test removing all registrations for type with multiple registrations.
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(Color, Blue);
container.register!(Color, Red);
// Test registering same registration again
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto firstRegistration = container.register!(Color, Blue);
auto secondRegistration = container.register!(Color, Blue);
assert(firstRegistration is secondRegistration, "First registration is not the same as the second of equal types");
// Test resolve registration with multiple qualifiers
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(Color, Blue);
container.register!(Color, Red);
try {
} catch (ResolveException e) {
// Test resolve registration with multiple qualifiers using a qualifier
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(Color, Blue);
container.register!(Color, Red);
auto blueInstance = container.resolve!(Color, Blue);
auto redInstance = container.resolve!(Color, Red);
assert(blueInstance !is redInstance, "Resolving type with multiple, different registrations yielded the same instance");
assert(blueInstance !is null, "Resolved blue instance to null");
assert(redInstance !is null, "Resolved red instance to null");
// Test autowire of unqualified member typed by interface.
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(TestInterface, TestClass);
auto instance = container.resolve!Spiders;
assert(!(instance is null), "Container failed to autowire member by interface");
// Register existing registration
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto firstRegistration = container.register!TestClass;
auto secondRegistration = container.register!TestClass;
assert(firstRegistration is secondRegistration, "Registering the same registration twice registers the dependencies twice.");
// Register existing registration by supertype
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto firstRegistration = container.register!(TestInterface, TestClass);
auto secondRegistration = container.register!(TestInterface, TestClass);
assert(firstRegistration is secondRegistration, "Registering the same registration by super type twice registers the dependencies twice.");
// Resolve dependency depending on itself
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto instance = container.resolve!Recursive;
assert(instance.recursive is instance, "Resolving dependency that depends on itself fails.");
assert(instance.recursive.recursive is instance, "Resolving dependency that depends on itself fails.");
Reference in a new issue