{ "name" : "poodinis", "description" : "A dependency injection framework with support for autowiring.", "homepage": "http://lostmoment.com/open-source/poodinis", "authors": ["Mike Bierlee"], "copyright": "Copyright 2014-2016 Mike Bierlee", "license": "MIT", "configurations": [ { "name": "library", "targetType": "library" }, { "name": "unittest", "targetType": "executable", "sourcePaths": [ "test" ], "mainSourceFile": "test/poodinis/testmain.d" }, { "name": "unittestVerbose", "targetType": "executable", "debugVersions": ["poodinisVerbose"], "sourcePaths": [ "test" ], "mainSourceFile": "test/poodinis/testmain.d" }, { "name" : "quickstartExample", "description" : "Quickstart example from the Poodinis readme.", "targetType": "executable", "targetName": "quickstartExample", "sourcePaths": [ "example/quickstart" ], "importPaths": [ "source" ] }, { "name" : "qualifiersExample", "description" : "Example where qualifiers are used.", "targetType": "executable", "targetName": "qualifiersExample", "sourcePaths": [ "example/qualifiers" ], "importPaths": [ "source" ] }, { "name" : "arrayCompletionExample", "description" : "Example where an array is autowired with all registered instances.", "targetType": "executable", "targetName": "arrayCompletionExample", "sourcePaths": [ "example/arraycompletion" ], "importPaths": [ "source" ] }, { "name" : "annotationsExample", "description" : "Example where several Poodinis autowire annotations are demonstrated.", "targetType": "executable", "targetName": "annotationsExample", "sourcePaths": [ "example/annotations" ], "importPaths": [ "source" ] }, { "name" : "applicationContextExample", "description" : "Example where an application context is used to set-up dependencies.", "targetType": "executable", "targetName": "applicationContextExample", "sourcePaths": [ "example/applicationcontext" ], "importPaths": [ "source" ] }, { "name" : "registerOnResolveExample", "description" : "Example where dependencies are registered at the moment they are resolved.", "targetType": "executable", "targetName": "registerOnResolveExample", "sourcePaths": [ "example/registeronresolve" ], "importPaths": [ "source" ] }, { "name" : "constructorInjectionExample", "description" : "Example where dependencies are injected into constructors when their classes are created.", "targetType": "executable", "targetName": "constructorInjectionExample", "sourcePaths": [ "example/constructorinjection" ], "importPaths": [ "source" ] }, { "name" : "valueInjectionExample", "description" : "Example where values are injected into dependencies.", "targetType": "executable", "targetName": "valueInjectionExample", "sourcePaths": [ "example/valueinjection" ], "importPaths": [ "source" ] } ] }