/** * Poodinis Dependency Injection Framework * Copyright 2014-2025 Mike Bierlee * This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. * The full terms of the license can be found in the LICENSE file. */ import poodinis; import std.random; import std.digest.md; import std.stdio; import std.conv; class SecurityAuditor { void submitAudit() { writeln("Hmmmyes I have received your audit. It is.... adequate."); } } class SuperSecurityDevice { private int seed; this() { auto randomGenerator = Random(unpredictableSeed); seed = uniform(0, 999, randomGenerator); } string getPassword() { return to!string(seed) ~ "t1m3sp13!!:"; } } class SecurityManager { @Inject private SuperSecurityDevice levelOneSecurity; @Inject @AssignNewInstance private SuperSecurityDevice levelTwoSecurity; @Inject @OptionalDependency private SecurityAuditor auditor; void doAudit() { if (auditor !is null) { auditor.submitAudit(); } else { writeln("I uh, will skip the audit for now..."); } } } void main() { auto dependencies = new shared DependencyContainer(); dependencies.register!SuperSecurityDevice; // Registered with the default "Single instance" scope dependencies.register!SecurityManager; auto manager = dependencies.resolve!SecurityManager; writeln("Password for user one: " ~ manager.levelOneSecurity.getPassword()); writeln("Password for user two: " ~ manager.levelTwoSecurity.getPassword()); if (manager.levelOneSecurity is manager.levelTwoSecurity) { writeln("SECURITY BREACH!!!!!"); // Should not be printed since levelTwoSecurity is a new instance. } else { writeln("Security okay!"); } manager.doAudit(); // Will not cause the SecurityAuditor to print, since we didn't register a SecurityAuditor. }