/** * Poodinis Dependency Injection Framework * Copyright 2014-2025 Mike Bierlee * This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. * The full terms of the license can be found in the LICENSE file. */ import poodinis; import std.stdio; class ADependency { @PostConstruct void postConstructor() { writeln("The dependency is created."); } void callMe() { writeln("The dependency was called."); } } class AClass { @Inject ADependency dependency; // Dependencies are autowired before the post-constructor is called. @PostConstruct void postConstructor() { writeln("The class is created."); if (dependency !is null) { writeln("The dependency is autowired."); } else { writeln("The dependency was NOT autowired."); } } @PreDestroy void preDestructor() { writeln("The class is no longer registered with the container."); } } void main() { auto container = new shared DependencyContainer(); container.register!(ADependency).onConstructed((Object obj) { writeln("ADependency constructed"); }); container.register!(AClass).onConstructed((Object obj) { writeln("AClass constructed"); }); auto instance = container.resolve!AClass; // Will cause the post constructor to be called. container.removeRegistration!AClass; // Will cause the pre destructor to be called. // The instance won't be destroyed by the container and as long as there are references to it, // it will not be collected by the garbage collector either. instance.dependency.callMe(); }