/** * Poodinis Dependency Injection Framework * Copyright 2014-2023 Mike Bierlee * This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. * The full terms of the license can be found in the LICENSE file. */ import poodinis; import std.stdio; interface Pie { public void eat(); } class BlueBerryPie : Pie { public override void eat() { writeln("Nom nom nom. I like this one!"); } } class ApplePie : Pie { public override void eat() { writeln("Nom nom nom. These aren't real apples..."); } } class CardboardBoxPie : Pie { public override void eat() { writeln("Nom nom nom. This... is not a pie."); } } class PieEater { @Autowire private Pie[] pies; public void eatThemAll() { foreach (pie; pies) { pie.eat(); } } } void main() { auto dependencies = new shared DependencyContainer(); dependencies.register!(Pie, BlueBerryPie); dependencies.register!(Pie, ApplePie); dependencies.register!(Pie, CardboardBoxPie); dependencies.register!(PieEater); auto eater = dependencies.resolve!PieEater; eater.eatThemAll(); }