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synced 2025-02-22 10:02:42 +01:00
Add ability to mark autowire dependencies as optional
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 303 additions and 223 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
Poodinis Changelog
**Version NEXT**
* ADD ability to mark autowire dependencies as optional. When you use UDA @OptionalDependency, a type which fails to autowire will remain null
(or an empty array). No ResolveException is thrown.
**Version 6.1.0**
* ADD setting persistent registration and resolve options
* DEPRECATE DO_NOT_ADD_CONCRETE_TYPE_REGISTRATION, use doNotAddConcreteTypeRegistration instead
@ -94,6 +94,17 @@ assert(instance.dependency !is null);
If an interface is to be autowired, you must register a concrete class by interface. Any class registered by concrete type can only be injected when a dependency on a concrete type is autowired.
Using the UDA `OptionalDependency` you can mark an autowired member as being optional. When a member is optional, no ResolveException will be thrown when
the type of the member is not registered and `ResolveOption.registerBeforeResolving` is not set on the container. The member will remain null or an empty array in
case of array dependencies.
class ExampleClass {
private AnotherExampleClass dependency;
Circular dependencies
Poodinis can autowire circular dependencies when they are registered with `singleInstance` or `existingInstance` registration scopes. Circular dependencies in registrations with `newInstance` scopes will not be autowired, as this would cause an endless loop.
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@ import std.digest.md;
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
class SecurityAuditor {
public void submitAudit() {
writeln("Hmmmyes I have received your audit. It is.... adequate.");
class SuperSecurityDevice {
private int seed;
@ -32,6 +38,18 @@ class SecurityManager {
private SuperSecurityDevice levelTwoSecurity;
private SecurityAuditor auditor;
public void doAudit() {
if (auditor !is null) {
} else {
writeln("I uh, will skip the audit for now...");
void main() {
@ -45,6 +63,10 @@ void main() {
writeln("Password for user two: " ~ manager.levelTwoSecurity.getPassword());
if (manager.levelOneSecurity is manager.levelTwoSecurity) {
writeln("SECURITY BREACH!!!!!");
writeln("SECURITY BREACH!!!!!"); // Should not be printed since levelTwoSecurity is a new instance.
} else {
writeln("Security okay!");
manager.doAudit(); // Will not cause the SecurityAuditor to print, since we didn't register a SecurityAuditor.
@ -65,6 +65,14 @@ struct Autowire(QualifierType = UseMemberType) {
QualifierType qualifier;
* UDA for marking autowired dependencies optional.
* Optional dependencies will not lead to a resolveException when there is no type registered for them.
* The member will remain null.
struct OptionalDependency {};
* UDA for annotating class members to be autowired with a new instance regardless of their registration scope.
@ -127,10 +135,15 @@ private void autowireMember(string member, size_t memberIndex, Type)(shared(Depe
alias MemberType = typeof(Type.tupleof[memberIndex]);
enum assignNewInstance = hasUDA!(Type.tupleof[memberIndex], AssignNewInstance);
enum isOptional = hasUDA!(Type.tupleof[memberIndex], OptionalDependency);
static if (isDynamicArray!MemberType) {
alias MemberElementType = ElementType!MemberType;
auto instances = container.resolveAll!MemberElementType;
static if (isOptional) {
auto instances = container.resolveAll!MemberElementType([ResolveOption.noResolveException]);
} else {
auto instances = container.resolveAll!MemberElementType;
instance.tupleof[memberIndex] = instances;
debug(poodinisVerbose) {
printDebugAutowiringArray(typeid(MemberElementType), typeid(Type), &instance, member);
@ -143,12 +156,12 @@ private void autowireMember(string member, size_t memberIndex, Type)(shared(Depe
MemberType qualifiedInstance;
static if (is(autowireAttribute == Autowire!T, T) && !is(autowireAttribute.qualifier == UseMemberType)) {
alias QualifierType = typeof(autowireAttribute.qualifier);
qualifiedInstance = createOrResolveInstance!(MemberType, QualifierType, assignNewInstance)(container);
qualifiedInstance = createOrResolveInstance!(MemberType, QualifierType, assignNewInstance, isOptional)(container);
debug(poodinisVerbose) {
qualifiedInstanceType = typeid(QualifierType);
} else {
qualifiedInstance = createOrResolveInstance!(MemberType, MemberType, assignNewInstance)(container);
qualifiedInstance = createOrResolveInstance!(MemberType, MemberType, assignNewInstance, isOptional)(container);
instance.tupleof[memberIndex] = qualifiedInstance;
@ -164,12 +177,16 @@ private void autowireMember(string member, size_t memberIndex, Type)(shared(Depe
private QualifierType createOrResolveInstance(MemberType, QualifierType, bool createNew)(shared(DependencyContainer) container) {
private QualifierType createOrResolveInstance(MemberType, QualifierType, bool createNew, bool isOptional)(shared(DependencyContainer) container) {
static if (createNew) {
auto instanceFactory = new InstanceFactory(typeid(MemberType), CreatesSingleton.no, null);
return cast(MemberType) instanceFactory.getInstance();
} else {
return container.resolve!(MemberType, QualifierType);
static if (isOptional) {
return container.resolve!(MemberType, QualifierType)([ResolveOption.noResolveException]);
} else {
return container.resolve!(MemberType, QualifierType);
@ -1,217 +1,243 @@
* Poodinis Dependency Injection Framework
* Copyright 2014-2016 Mike Bierlee
* This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
* The full terms of the license can be found in the LICENSE file.
import poodinis;
import std.exception;
version(unittest) {
class ComponentA {}
class ComponentB {
public @Autowire ComponentA componentA;
interface InterfaceA {}
class ComponentC : InterfaceA {}
class ComponentD {
public @Autowire InterfaceA componentC = null;
private @Autowire InterfaceA privateComponentC = null;
class DummyAttribute{};
class ComponentE {
public ComponentC componentC;
class ComponentDeclarationCocktail {
alias noomer = int;
public ComponentA componentA;
public void doesNothing() {
class ComponentX : InterfaceA {}
class ComponentZ : ComponentB {
class MonkeyShine {
public InterfaceA component;
class BootstrapBootstrap {
public InterfaceA componentX;
public InterfaceA componentC;
class LordOfTheComponents {
public InterfaceA[] components;
class ComponentCharlie {
public ComponentA componentA;
// Test autowiring concrete type to existing instance
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentB = new ComponentB();
assert(componentB !is null, "Autowirable dependency failed to autowire");
// Test autowiring interface type to existing instance
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
auto componentD = new ComponentD();
assert(componentD.componentC !is null, "Autowirable dependency failed to autowire");
// Test autowiring private members
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
auto componentD = new ComponentD();
assert(componentD.privateComponentC is componentD.componentC, "Autowire private dependency failed");
// Test autowiring will only happen once
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC).newInstance();
auto componentD = new ComponentD();
auto expectedComponent = componentD.componentC;
auto actualComponent = componentD.componentC;
assert(expectedComponent is actualComponent, "Autowiring the second time wired a different instance");
// Test autowiring unregistered type
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentD = new ComponentD();
assertThrown!(ResolveException)(container.autowire(componentD), "Autowiring unregistered type should throw ResolveException");
// Test autowiring member with non-autowire attribute does not autowire
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentE = new ComponentE();
assert(componentE.componentC is null, "Autowiring should not occur for members with attributes other than @Autowire");
// Test autowire class with alias declaration
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentDeclarationCocktail = new ComponentDeclarationCocktail();
assert(componentDeclarationCocktail.componentA !is null, "Autowiring class with non-assignable declarations failed");
// Test autowire class with qualifier
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto componentX = container.resolve!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto monkeyShine = new MonkeyShine();
assert(monkeyShine.component is componentX, "Autowiring class with qualifier failed");
// Test autowire class with multiple qualifiers
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto componentC = container.resolve!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
auto componentX = container.resolve!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto bootstrapBootstrap = new BootstrapBootstrap();
assert(bootstrapBootstrap.componentX is componentX, "Autowiring class with multiple qualifiers failed");
assert(bootstrapBootstrap.componentC is componentC, "Autowiring class with multiple qualifiers failed");
// Test getting instance from autowired registration will autowire instance
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto registration = new AutowiredRegistration!ComponentB(typeid(ComponentB), container).singleInstance();
auto instance = cast(ComponentB) registration.getInstance(new AutowireInstantiationContext());
assert(instance.componentA !is null);
// Test autowiring a dynamic array with all qualified types
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto lord = new LordOfTheComponents();
assert(lord.components.length == 2, "Dynamic array was not autowired");
// Test autowiring new instance of singleinstance registration with newInstance UDA
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto regularComponentA = container.resolve!ComponentA;
auto charlie = new ComponentCharlie();
assert(charlie.componentA !is regularComponentA, "Autowiring class with AssignNewInstance did not yield a different instance");
// Test autowiring members from base class
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto instance = new ComponentZ();
assert(instance.componentA !is null);
* Poodinis Dependency Injection Framework
* Copyright 2014-2016 Mike Bierlee
* This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
* The full terms of the license can be found in the LICENSE file.
import poodinis;
import std.exception;
version(unittest) {
class ComponentA {}
class ComponentB {
public @Autowire ComponentA componentA;
interface InterfaceA {}
class ComponentC : InterfaceA {}
class ComponentD {
public @Autowire InterfaceA componentC = null;
private @Autowire InterfaceA privateComponentC = null;
class DummyAttribute{};
class ComponentE {
public ComponentC componentC;
class ComponentDeclarationCocktail {
alias noomer = int;
public ComponentA componentA;
public void doesNothing() {
class ComponentX : InterfaceA {}
class ComponentZ : ComponentB {
class MonkeyShine {
public InterfaceA component;
class BootstrapBootstrap {
public InterfaceA componentX;
public InterfaceA componentC;
class LordOfTheComponents {
public InterfaceA[] components;
class ComponentCharlie {
public ComponentA componentA;
class OuttaTime {
public InterfaceA interfaceA;
public ComponentA componentA;
public ComponentC[] componentCs;
// Test autowiring concrete type to existing instance
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentB = new ComponentB();
assert(componentB !is null, "Autowirable dependency failed to autowire");
// Test autowiring interface type to existing instance
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
auto componentD = new ComponentD();
assert(componentD.componentC !is null, "Autowirable dependency failed to autowire");
// Test autowiring private members
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
auto componentD = new ComponentD();
assert(componentD.privateComponentC is componentD.componentC, "Autowire private dependency failed");
// Test autowiring will only happen once
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC).newInstance();
auto componentD = new ComponentD();
auto expectedComponent = componentD.componentC;
auto actualComponent = componentD.componentC;
assert(expectedComponent is actualComponent, "Autowiring the second time wired a different instance");
// Test autowiring unregistered type
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentD = new ComponentD();
assertThrown!(ResolveException)(container.autowire(componentD), "Autowiring unregistered type should throw ResolveException");
// Test autowiring member with non-autowire attribute does not autowire
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentE = new ComponentE();
assert(componentE.componentC is null, "Autowiring should not occur for members with attributes other than @Autowire");
// Test autowire class with alias declaration
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto componentDeclarationCocktail = new ComponentDeclarationCocktail();
assert(componentDeclarationCocktail.componentA !is null, "Autowiring class with non-assignable declarations failed");
// Test autowire class with qualifier
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto componentX = container.resolve!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto monkeyShine = new MonkeyShine();
assert(monkeyShine.component is componentX, "Autowiring class with qualifier failed");
// Test autowire class with multiple qualifiers
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto componentC = container.resolve!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
auto componentX = container.resolve!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto bootstrapBootstrap = new BootstrapBootstrap();
assert(bootstrapBootstrap.componentX is componentX, "Autowiring class with multiple qualifiers failed");
assert(bootstrapBootstrap.componentC is componentC, "Autowiring class with multiple qualifiers failed");
// Test getting instance from autowired registration will autowire instance
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto registration = new AutowiredRegistration!ComponentB(typeid(ComponentB), container).singleInstance();
auto instance = cast(ComponentB) registration.getInstance(new AutowireInstantiationContext());
assert(instance.componentA !is null);
// Test autowiring a dynamic array with all qualified types
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentC);
container.register!(InterfaceA, ComponentX);
auto lord = new LordOfTheComponents();
assert(lord.components.length == 2, "Dynamic array was not autowired");
// Test autowiring new instance of singleinstance registration with newInstance UDA
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto regularComponentA = container.resolve!ComponentA;
auto charlie = new ComponentCharlie();
assert(charlie.componentA !is regularComponentA, "Autowiring class with AssignNewInstance did not yield a different instance");
// Test autowiring members from base class
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto instance = new ComponentZ();
assert(instance.componentA !is null);
// Test autowiring optional depenencies
unittest {
shared(DependencyContainer) container = new DependencyContainer();
auto instance = new OuttaTime();
assert(instance.interfaceA is null);
assert(instance.componentA is null);
assert(instance.componentCs is null);
Reference in a new issue