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* Contains functionality for autowiring dependencies using a dependency container.
* This module is used in a dependency container for autowiring dependencies when resolving them.
* You typically only need this module if you want inject dependencies into a class instance not
* managed by a dependency container.
* Part of the Poodinis Dependency Injection framework.
* Authors:
* Mike Bierlee, m.bierlee@lostmoment.com
* Copyright: 2014-2016 Mike Bierlee
* License:
* This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
* The full terms of the license can be found in the LICENSE file.
module poodinis.autowire;
import poodinis.container;
import poodinis.registration;
import std.exception;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.traits;
import std.range;
struct UseMemberType {};
* UDA for annotating class members as candidates for autowiring.
* Optionally a template parameter can be supplied to specify the type of a qualified class. The qualified type
* of a concrete class is used to autowire members declared by supertype. If no qualifier is supplied, the type
* of the member is used as qualifier.
* Examples:
* Annotate member of class to be autowired:
* ---
* class Car {
* @Autowire
* public Engine engine;
* }
* ---
* Annotate member of class with qualifier:
* ---
* class FuelEngine : Engine { ... }
* class ElectricEngine : Engine { ... }
* class HybridCar {
* @Autowire!FuelEngine
* public Engine fuelEngine;
* @Autowire!ElectricEngine
* public Engine electricEngine;
* }
* ---
* The members of an instance of "HybridCar" will now be autowired properly, because the autowire mechanism will
* autowire member "fuelEngine" as if it's of type "FuelEngine". This means that the members of instance "fuelEngine"
* will also be autowired because the autowire mechanism knows that member "fuelEngine" is an instance of "FuelEngine"
struct Autowire(QualifierType = UseMemberType) {
QualifierType qualifier;
* UDA for marking autowired dependencies optional.
* Optional dependencies will not lead to a resolveException when there is no type registered for them.
* The member will remain null.
struct OptionalDependency {};
* UDA for annotating class members to be autowired with a new instance regardless of their registration scope.
* Examples:
* class Car {
* @Autowire
* @AssignNewInstance
* public Antenna antenna;
* }
* antenna will always be assigned a new instance of class Antenna.
struct AssignNewInstance {}
private void printDebugAutowiredInstance(TypeInfo instanceType, void* instanceAddress) {
writeln(format("DEBUG: Autowiring members of [%s@%s]", instanceType, instanceAddress));
* Autowires members of a given instance using dependencies registered in the given container.
* All public members of the given instance, which are annotated using the "Autowire" UDA, are autowired.
* All members are resolved using the given container. Qualifiers are used to determine the type of class to
* resolve for any member of instance.
* Note that private members will not be autowired because the autowiring mechanism is not able to by-pass
* member visibility protection.
* See_Also: Autowire
public void autowire(Type)(shared(DependencyContainer) container, Type instance) {
debug(poodinisVerbose) {
printDebugAutowiredInstance(typeid(Type), &instance);
// note: recurse into base class if there are more between Type and Object in the hirarchy
static if(BaseClassesTuple!Type.length > 1)
autowire!(BaseClassesTuple!Type[0])(container, instance);
foreach(index, name; FieldNameTuple!Type) {
autowireMember!(name, index, Type)(container, instance);
private void printDebugAutowiringCandidate(TypeInfo candidateInstanceType, void* candidateInstanceAddress, TypeInfo instanceType, void* instanceAddress, string member) {
writeln(format("DEBUG: Autowired instance [%s@%s] to [%s@%s].%s", candidateInstanceType, candidateInstanceAddress, instanceType, instanceAddress, member));
private void printDebugAutowiringArray(TypeInfo superTypeInfo, TypeInfo instanceType, void* instanceAddress, string member) {
writeln(format("DEBUG: Autowired all registered instances of super type %s to [%s@%s].%s", superTypeInfo, instanceType, instanceAddress, member));
private void autowireMember(string member, size_t memberIndex, Type)(shared(DependencyContainer) container, Type instance) {
foreach(autowireAttribute; __traits(getAttributes, Type.tupleof[memberIndex])) {
static if (__traits(isSame, autowireAttribute, Autowire) || is(autowireAttribute == Autowire!T, T)) {
if (instance.tupleof[memberIndex] is null) {
alias MemberType = typeof(Type.tupleof[memberIndex]);
enum assignNewInstance = hasUDA!(Type.tupleof[memberIndex], AssignNewInstance);
enum isOptional = hasUDA!(Type.tupleof[memberIndex], OptionalDependency);
static if (isDynamicArray!MemberType) {
alias MemberElementType = ElementType!MemberType;
static if (isOptional) {
auto instances = container.resolveAll!MemberElementType([ResolveOption.noResolveException]);
} else {
auto instances = container.resolveAll!MemberElementType;
instance.tupleof[memberIndex] = instances;
debug(poodinisVerbose) {
printDebugAutowiringArray(typeid(MemberElementType), typeid(Type), &instance, member);
} else {
debug(poodinisVerbose) {
TypeInfo qualifiedInstanceType = typeid(MemberType);
MemberType qualifiedInstance;
static if (is(autowireAttribute == Autowire!T, T) && !is(autowireAttribute.qualifier == UseMemberType)) {
alias QualifierType = typeof(autowireAttribute.qualifier);
qualifiedInstance = createOrResolveInstance!(MemberType, QualifierType, assignNewInstance, isOptional)(container);
debug(poodinisVerbose) {
qualifiedInstanceType = typeid(QualifierType);
} else {
qualifiedInstance = createOrResolveInstance!(MemberType, MemberType, assignNewInstance, isOptional)(container);
instance.tupleof[memberIndex] = qualifiedInstance;
debug(poodinisVerbose) {
printDebugAutowiringCandidate(qualifiedInstanceType, &qualifiedInstance, typeid(Type), &instance, member);
private QualifierType createOrResolveInstance(MemberType, QualifierType, bool createNew, bool isOptional)(shared(DependencyContainer) container) {
static if (createNew) {
auto instanceFactory = new InstanceFactory(typeid(MemberType), CreatesSingleton.no, null);
return cast(MemberType) instanceFactory.getInstance();
} else {
static if (isOptional) {
return container.resolve!(MemberType, QualifierType)([ResolveOption.noResolveException]);
} else {
return container.resolve!(MemberType, QualifierType);
* Autowire the given instance using the globally available dependency container.
* See_Also: DependencyContainer
public void globalAutowire(Type)(Type instance) {
class AutowiredRegistration(RegistrationType : Object) : Registration {
private shared(DependencyContainer) container;
public this(TypeInfo registeredType, shared(DependencyContainer) container) {
enforce(!(container is null), "Argument 'container' is null. Autowired registrations need to autowire using a container.");
this.container = container;
super(registeredType, typeid(RegistrationType));
public override Object getInstance(InstantiationContext context = new AutowireInstantiationContext()) {
RegistrationType instance = cast(RegistrationType) super.getInstance(context);
AutowireInstantiationContext autowireContext = cast(AutowireInstantiationContext) context;
enforce(!(autowireContext is null), "Given instantiation context type could not be cast to an AutowireInstantiationContext. If you relied on using the default assigned context: make sure you're calling getInstance() on an instance of type AutowiredRegistration!");
if (autowireContext.autowireInstance) {
return instance;
class AutowireInstantiationContext : InstantiationContext {
public bool autowireInstance = true;